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sharmin | 20:40 Fri 09th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers

I saw a picture of smegma.It does not look like smegma. Under the head are small white bumps. Do you have any idea of what this could be?



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impressed with your resistance technique there pippa.
Well it was close dotty...very close ;o)
Bird on the edge eh?
I have the same thing Sharmin. When the doctor saw them he seemed really alarmed but when I told him I'd had them forever and certainly long b4 ever having sex, he said its not a problem and gave it a name I can't remember. So I guess the issue is are they new, cos if so I'd get down a clinic quick otherwise no worries
As John said smegma washes off easily and it also smells. The link posted by pippa is about something else.

Why was this reported?

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