All the common traits - TV too loud, I'm accused of mumbling, irritability if I point out how many times he's misunderstood something, a reliance on TV subtitles, yet an absolute denial that his hearing is less than perfect. If I try to go anywhere near the subject he shouts and swears.
My friend was forced to accept that she might need a hearing aid when she got a letter from the council telling her that her neighbours had complained about the volume of her telly! So you could try warning him that 'officialdom' might be on his back soon!
Write down each of his mishearings and show him how funny they are. My OH and my dad have both finally accepted they are a bit deaf after I told them things like mishearing "What kind is it?" [about a bat] for "What time is it?".
Thanks all. I'll try the online test, and I'll try speaking a little softer as I have been making allowances.
I might just go for a hearing test myself and see if he will join me. I have tinitus and I'd genuinely like to see if its affecting my hearing. Although I know very well that the TV is too loud!
For anyone interested in an online hearing test, this is the same test as the one mentioned above, but it gives the result on screen at the end rather than by email. Now to get OH interetsed! Maybe one day!