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What happened in Six feet under?

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robber1 | 19:10 Sat 14th Feb 2004 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers
One of the brothers in 'six feet under' had a brain tumour and I thought he died iat the start of the new series. Suddenly he is living and the story continues. Can anyone explain please what happened?


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He didn't die!! You should have watched more than the first 5 minutes of episode 1. There was a short fantasy sequence (of which there are many in this programme) which made it appear as though he had died, however he actually survived. If you need information about this, or many other shows, go to the following site which gives excellent (if slightly cynical) scene by scene reviews of every episode of many US series including 24, Sex & The City etc.
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Thanks for your reply. I did watch more than the first 5 mins, but I am just too thick to follow the plot! I will look at the link you gave me. Thanks again.
Welcome back Robber 1.
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For the third time, thank you Elle. The Ed keeps deleting it for some reason.
robber 1 - probably not thick really. I taped it and watched it about 3 times. Not just to clarify things, but also because the opening scenes were superb. What a great series this is turning out to be! I use TWP (site above) to help me on this programme often!!
Got your message :0) Better not say much more or I'll get a slap from the ed.

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