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Our Dog.

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Patsy33 | 21:31 Fri 11th Nov 2016 | Jokes
16 Answers
Just named our dog 'Five Miles' So I can tell people I walk 5 miles every day....


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My next one will be named 'Useless' - after the Monarch of the Glen Springer.....folk think you are saying 'Eustace'...
My talking dog gave me a stick the other day and told me he found it 600 miles away.

I thought that's a bit far-fetched.
Question Author
Sounds as though he's got a new leash of life!
When he races other dogs, he always has the lead.
You're 495 miles out, Patsy.
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Tilly, it's just a harmless tail.....
My dog has no nose.

How does it smell?

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My friend got a new dog from America. It's a new yorkie....
If he'd bought one in Canada, it would be a Labrador.

Years ago Mrs B. and I got a Dog from China, it was a proper little Shiht
My new dog really smells, it is a poohdle
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Bull shitz. My other dog is part bull dog and shitz zu...
There was a chap who visited his son who lived on the coast.
On the second day he offered to walk his son's new dog on the very large beach. When he returned he told his son that he was never taking that dog for a walk again. When asked why, he said, "What on earth in god's name made you call that dog, Taxi?"
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Haha... Good one!
Question Author
Haha... Good one!

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