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patzbitz | 16:36 Tue 13th Dec 2016 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers
Can anyone suggest a spray to prevent fox (es) using my front doorstep as a toilet - have tried various mixtures but nothing seems to deter them.Is there a commercial product available.?


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Erm... human pee should deter them but you may be exchanging one odour for another.
There was a product called 'Renardine' that worked, I am unsure as to whether it is still available.
It's been banned, but more info here:
Thinking further: pee works because of the ammonia content so any cleaning product with ammonia in it should work too. Also chili powder or powdered pepper might work.
All these only work in dry conditions of course, re-apply after rain.
Does it not have to be male pee though, Shoota?
Oops, check gender of poster in future *blush*
I believe that human hair is off putting? Pop round to your local salon n.

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