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Integrated Dishwasher Door

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tandh | 21:02 Mon 26th Dec 2016 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
The door to my new integrated dishwasher won't stay in the open position (it pings back up to the closed position when i let it go) is this because i haven't put the decorative door on it to weigh it down, or do i need to do something to the mechanism to make it stay down while i'm loading it up , thanks


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Id say it's specifically because you haven't put the kitchen unit door on, they are designed to balance with the weight. Mind you that kind is called semi-integrated, is that what you have?
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thanks prude, I was thinking that, I just didn't wanna put the door on then find it still doesn't close. Losing the installation manual hasn't helped matters either. Semi integrated? I thought there was just free standing and integrated so i'm not sure, what's the difference
semi integrated has the control panel on the front and the door fits below it. With an integrated the panel is usually along the top and has a full size door so it just looks like another cupboard.
Ours did that before we fixed the cabinet door. As I said they are designed to have the front on to weigh it down correctly so it nether springs back nor is a major effort to close.
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arr, thanks ubasses, I have a fully integrated one then.
Thanks prude, that does make a lot of sense now you've said it

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Integrated Dishwasher Door

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