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Last Nights Yellowstone Programs On The Beeb

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mikey4444 | 16:34 Wed 04th Jan 2017 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers
I enjoyed last nights, and am really looking forward to tonight ::::

Why can't we have more programs like this and less carp ?


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I'm looking forward to watcthing tonight's episode too. Less carp more salmon! :-)
16:59 Wed 04th Jan 2017
Did you see this on Boxing Day, Mikey?

No music, no commentary, no storyline. Just two hours of plodding across the snow-covered landscape. Utterly beautiful and totally mesmerising!
More repeats?
mikey - I missed last night's programme ; but i'll definitely be tuning in for tonight's episode .

The National Geographic channel often has documentaries about the park and the animals therein .

Some more fans here
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Buenchico....yes I did ! I had it on when I was doing a crossword puzzle, and it was very good "background" noise !

There has been 3 programs about crossing America in the 1800's, with Ray Mears, which I also found wonderful.

I think Mears is could dump him in the middle of the Sarah, leave him there for two weeks and he would trek out the other side, a stone heavier !
I'm looking forward to watcthing tonight's episode too.

Less carp more salmon! :-)
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LOL Chippy !
Thanks Mickey.
I was amazed how small changes to the climate can have a devastating affect to the ecosystem.
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Chippy...I crossed the corner of Yellowstone, only a few weeks before it closed
for the season, back in 1994. The landscape is vast, and about as wild as you can get.

There was another series of TV programs about Yellowstone, a year or two back, and one of them showed this man, whose job it was to spend the winter in the Park, taking all the snow off the roofs of Park buildings. Apparently it would cause the buildings to collapse under the weight if it were left and he used a saw !

About time the Beeb repeated that again....these are repeats that I never tire of seeing.
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One thing to remember about Yellowstone is is one massive caldera !

In other words, it a bloody huge volcano and when it blows, it will probably mean another Krakatoa, at the very least.
Don't forget its on again tonight BBC 2 at 9:00 Summer season this time.


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