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Wouldn't It Be Great

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Hopkirk | 11:06 Mon 06th Feb 2017 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
to have a tail?

I would have a long one like a big cat. I would sit on a bar stool and gangly swish it side to side.

How would you charge your body, if you had free rein?


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..gently, not gangly..
I was plug myself in to a power point to charge it :-)
I'd be 5'9" with long slim legs, not 5'2" with wee fat stubby legs ha ha.
You know long tailed cats have a bad time in rooms full of rocking chairs?

I'd have three arms......then I could knit and drink or read a book at the same time......

Ummmm...with your luck you'd blow all the fuses.....☺
I'm sure there's a joke here about making do with the tail at the front, but I just can't quite see it.
You would be gilding the lily, Gness
Lol, Gness, or set the house on fire :-D
Ahhhh.....thank you, Donny!☺
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Yes Ummmm, I'm having a few problems with typing on the mobile.

Change, not charge. Sticking my tail into a three pin socket might not be wise.
If I said I would like a much longer penis Hoppy, I suppose that post would be removed ?

So I won't say it after all.
And I done a typo messing with your typo :-)
you'd be able to keep both hands on the steering wheel and slap me round the ear gness ...

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I wouldn't bother with that, Mikey, but I think retractable testicles might be a good idea.
Hoppy....with you 100% there !
Sounds painful when sitting.

My body doesn't need charging ;-) I'd give myself much more head hair, less fat, more muscle, perfect eyesight, better memory, lower blood pressure, and a reversal of all those, what I believe are age related issues.
I wish I had the teeth I had as a 15 years old !
Mmm...the advantages are endless, Ael.....☺

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