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cassa333 | 13:26 Sun 12th Feb 2017 | ChatterBank
35 Answers to spell something you don't know how to spell?

Some words just defy spelling when said aloud.

The word I am looking for at the moment I think starts with g (not sure though) but starts with a sound like sh.

OH well I will just have to wade through the dictionary all day lol



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No, I think she meant zzzzzz, as in total waste of time :-)

Makes me gnashers gnosh!
zh is the accepted way of indicating the sound of the s in pleaSure, which is identical to the sound of g in genre.
Maybe not everyone pronounces words in the same way as you or is familiar with how sounds are represented.
The Russians have the answer. They have two separate letters for the two sounds. No confusion.

Ж(zh) Ш(sh)

The Ж(zh) can be pronounced as Ш(sh) in some words apparently, so it's not so easy, even in Russian.
If you spell the word phonetically, in Google, you can always find the correct word you are looking for.
Don't worry Corby, jackdaw likes to try and make everyone feel like an idiot!
Corby, give me an example. Despite a degree in the language I can't think of one, unless it's a dialect thing.
I typed in "et" which is how I pronounce "ate" and the first three pages were all related to ET.
Islay - I think it's more JD likes to make himself look clever.
Ummm tries to make himself look clever! Most of the time he just makes himself look like an eejit!
Wondered when the sisterhood would finally get around to turning their claws on me simply because I commented on a thread of a semi-academic nature.
JD I copied your two letters and pronunciations into Google and one of the hits on the first page was a link to an extract from Russian for Dummies which said, "Because when it appears at the end of a word, ж (zh) is pronounced as ш (sh). (For more information, flip to the later sections “Vowels misbehavin':.."
You are correct, of course. Final consonants tend to lose their value through softening. D becomes T, V becomes F etc. That was not what I had in mind.
You put your erroneous spelling into Google and they respond with "Did you mean whatever".

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