Because I've been reading up on the subject, and am happy with the level of aid we give.
UK aid is spent where it is most needed and is subject to rigorous internal and external checks and scrutiny at all stages.
The government has realigned the UK’s aid strategy, cutting wasteful programmes and making sure spending is firmly in the UK’s national interest.
Alongside an increased defence budget and the UK’s world class diplomatic service, our aid programme is helping to create a more prosperous and stable world in which the UK can stand tall and flourish.
This is an approach that works; it has helped reduce the threat to the UK from Ebola in West Africa, it is targeting the root causes of the migration crisis, and it is increasing economic prospects in fragile states to counter extremism and help build our future trading partners.
The world is changing, and our strategy on aid needs to change with it. That is why over the last 3 years the DFID has restructured our aid budget to ensure that it is focussed on tackling the great global challenges – from the root causes of mass migration and disease, to the threat of terrorism and global climate change – all of which also directly threaten British interests.
They are inextricably linked.
I totally understand that others hold different views - but this is why I support the aid budget and the current strategies for dispersement.