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Are The Mctories Going To Make A Comeback?

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ToraToraTora | 14:45 Fri 02nd Jun 2017 | News
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I really hope so. I do not want the UK to split up. Holiday in the Borders last week. Spotted more-or-less equal posters for SNP and Scottish Tories. Selkirk had slightly more SNP, I think (but I wasn't actually counting, just impression I got).
tactical voting will be the thing..tory votes over Labour to block SNP !
unlikely. non snp parties are headed for oblivion and Scotland will be a one party state.
BUT ..a vote for SNP is NOT a vote for separation !
Really? Tell that to Wee Nicky.
Both the SNP and Labour are saying they can form a coalition to keep the Tories out of power
In 1955 the Tories held half of the seats in Scotland. I remember in 1965 at a by-election they actually took a seat from Labour in Glasgow,of all places.
which is why, Eddie, Labour will lose support here, the majority does NOT want separation
//Both the SNP and Labour are saying they can form a coalition to keep the Tories out of power //

I was given the impression that Labour doesn't do u-turns.
Interesting to note that when the SNP first rose to prominence back in the 70s they were nicknamed 'Tartan Tories'.
Murraymints: A vote for the SNP is not a vote for separation? The clue's in the name.
A McTory sounds like something nasty on sale in a fast food restaurant ;-)
LOL! Would you like Mcfries with that?

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