i have carpel tunnel syndrome and the dr.this morning gave me volsaid retard(slow release) does any one know if said medication helps/works he said it was an anti innflamatry said give it a couple of weeks and if no better then go back for a styroid injection which i had 6 yrs ago for the same problem,but just wondered if i was gonna be out of pain with said tablets what a night mare....
a good mate of mine has just found out shes got this shes been going for physio shes had injections now she may have ot have the op,shes dreading it,shes a secretary shes on the pc all day they think thats the cause of it,she has to wear splints at the mo
Hiya, I have carpal tunnel in both hands, just had my right hand operated on coz the stuff the doc gave me didnt work in the slightest, the painkillers, anti inflammatories etc.
Now not sure if the op was the best thing to do, its been a month since i had it done but ive developed so much scar tissue round the wound that im back to square one, with the pressure, pain and numbness. ARGH!!
I've got something akin to occasional carpal tunnel syndrome in my left wrist, which ain't good for a wannabe guitarist. The symptoms when they come, are a painful weakness in the wrist, with an inability to hold down a barre chord or even put on my socks with ease! I often wake with a desire to 'shake my wrist' out to see if it will go away.
Are these the same symptons?
I'm certain that the cause for me is associated with the way I sleep because many times I sleep with my forehead pressed directly onto the wrist joint or with my wrist trapped at a right angle: I think this compresses the 'tunnel' until it gives in and the various nerves get sore etc.
Fortunately I've found a cure in the form of a brilliant carpal tunnel strap from Mueller (you can google it) and this seems to do the trick - I wear it all the while I have the symptoms and especially at night when I sleep. I'm back to normal after a few weeks which is a relief. I would recommend that you check the way you sleep and try this strap before you take the plunge and have surgery.
I hope this is useful because the thought of not being able to play the guitar fills me with dread!
Spudqueen.....i know your worries! Im a violinist, and the thought of not being able to play scares me! What you describe sounds like Carpal Tunnel to me, Ive just had my right hand operated on but am still wearing the kind of splint you describe on my left hand.
I'd wholeheartedly agree with you, try the splints first coz right now im not sure if the operation was worth it!!