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Bananas !

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mikey4444 | 08:27 Thu 13th Jul 2017 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I eat 2 bananas a day, but at this time of year, its impossible to keep them in my kitchen for more than 2-3 days, before they go brown. I know you are not supposed to keep them in the fridge, but everywhere in the house is just too warm....any ideas ?


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08:36 Thu 13th Jul 2017
buy them green ? same with pears and plums seem to ripen overnight !
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Morning Minty !

But even if I do buy them green, it only seems to extend their life by a another day of so. I don't mind shopping every couple of days but........! are right about other fruit. I bought a punnet of nectarines on Saturday morning, but had to throw half of them out earlier today.

How are bananas kept commercially ...does anyone know ?
I find that separating the hand (so they are individually stored ) and putting them in their own bowl keeps them quite well ,and I agree with minty buy them greenish xx
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aelmpvw....thanks....I will give this a try this morning !
I keep them in the fridge and take one out one at a time to take the coolness off. No difference in my opinion.
will try that trick too
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I always thought that keeping bananas in a fridge wasn't recommended as it actually made them ripen quicker !
They def do not ripen quicker. Depending on how long they are in there the skins may discolour but the banana will be perfect inside.

At 2 a day you don't have to worry about that.

A cold banana compared to room temp one is the texture. That's why I take it out before I plan on eating one.
Get yourself a banana tree,


When my lorry carries produce to a store the trailer is set to 3 degrees Celsius, but if I am sent to collect bananas from a depot I have to set it to 7 degrees.
Does that help?
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Thanks Hoppy. Temperature has to be an important factor here, as I don't have the same problems in the winter.

I always keep bananas in a different place to anything else, as the escaping gas can make other fruit ripen very quickly.
I have heard conflicting advice on the health benefits of bananas.

Some say a good source of nutrients, particularly potassium.

Others say too much of a sugar hit, not good for even blood sugar and insulin levels.
Keep them in the warmest (ie least cold) part of the fridge....if they get too cold, the skin darkens/blackens - but the fruit itself doesn't change...they'll definitely keep longer.
Who says you're not supposed to keep them in the fridge - I do all the time ...

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