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mikey4444 | 08:31 Sat 15th Jul 2017 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I not really a Wimbledon fan, but as a committed Radio Four listener, its difficult to avoid it altogether.

But what happened to Wimbledot ?


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Lottie died in 1960.
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Don't be daft OG...she was broadcastin a couple of years ago !
Isn't she in EastEnders?
yes, dot cotton will probably be our next big hope for a wimbledon winner
what wimbledot den ?

who I mean - yeah

I thought it was the dot you got in the screen when you turned off the whole - she-bang - [clear no to dat den]
Who or what is wimbledot? I'm a huge Wimby fan, but have never heard of that.
Oh it looks as if Google lied to me then. I looked up the details and it gave me then, but now it seems it decided to give info on Dod instead of Dot. I hate technology sometimes... I mean often. I swear it's done on purpose. All I know is I search in good faith and gave the correct information as I found it.

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