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Nasturtiums - house on fire. What story?

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Hippy | 19:09 Sun 14th Mar 2004 | Arts & Literature
3 Answers
As recently provoked by a castaway comment on BBC7, I (and I am sure lots of others) remember a kids' story about nasturtiums growing up the side of a cottage and being mistaken for fire. Does anyone know the title and author for this story?


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I remember this one too. It was in a book we had at primary school and was one of many stories. The book was part of a learning to read set, and as one got better, one moved onto the next book which was a different colour. I was in primary school in the late 60s, early 70s so there's bound to be a teacher out there who knows about this. As for title and author: no idea, sorry to raise your hopes.

"Happy Ventures" was the name of the collection of school text books. I remember reading the nasturtium one. The only one I DO remember!

...if you Google "Happy Venture schoolbooks" click on "images"...a few of them are brought up...including "Saturday Play", which I also remember.

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Nasturtiums - house on fire. What story?

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