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Rosie29 | 13:15 Fri 21st Jul 2017 | Shopping & Style
33 Answers
I need to buy a new microwave - the light has gone - no one will/can repair it. It wouldn't normally bother me but my OH makes porridge and it sometimes overflows because he can't see inside. I just want a fairly basic Solo microwave but the choice is vast and what I notice in some of the Reviews is that with some models you can't see what's going on during the cooking. Can anyone recommend a microwave with a light please? I would have thought this was standard but apparently not! Thank you.


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Like jj I would recommend Asda - cheap and cheerful and lights up !
The bulb inside can be changed Rosie.
mamya, my list is 2 microwaves, a washing machine, two hairdryers and 2 carpet shampooers in mid shampoo. When they go bang, they also vomit dirty water all over the newly shampoo’ed carpet!
Yes, I near jumped out of my skin with the hair-dryer one, it was an inch from my ear when it went.
John Lewis. They give extended warranty as well.

My microwave cost about £50 with 2 years warranty.
Bought a Kenwood from Curry's - excellent. They also recycled the old one.
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I'm a bit late answering but , as always , lovely, friendly good advice from all you ABers. Have a good w/e everyone.
You can easily change the bulb. Post the make and model and I can tell you where to source a bulb.
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The problem is Tojo that it is a built in one as well as being very old and I think accessing the bulb would be difficult. It is a Creda 49004 and was in the house when I moved in 27 years ago. And has served me very well. If the bulb can't be replaced I wouldn't have another built in one but just put a free standing model in the space.
Hi Rosie, dead easy. On the left hand side of the microwave is a little access panel held by one screw, just to the side of where the bulb is located in the oven. Remove the panel and unscrew the old bulb(have the power off at the main). Replace with a 15watt E14(important) Pygmy bulb costing about £4.69. Replace access panel and switch back on.
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You are good Togo - sorry I called you Tojo before - thanks very much .
Haha Rosie, been called worse. :)) Hope you can manage it, it may be easier than training Mr "R" to use a new Microwave.

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