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how many calories do you have in a day?

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ooh-la-la | 09:25 Mon 14th Feb 2011 | Body & Soul
25 Answers
Ow my days, i thought that it's really bad to have more than 1000 calories a day but just found out i should be having about 2000. that seems so much though. How many do you have in a day?


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Murray, I am quite concerned about your diet. It sound quite extreme and you need alot more than just veg, nuts and vit tabs. You need some protein as well as some carbs. You should aim for between 1300 and 1400 for steady weight loss.
tigger...protein in nuts..only do it for a couple of weeks at a time...get rid of the Xmas lard !!
Ah I see, not long term then :o)
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pmsl @ pixi and jonny, maybe i should eat a elephant a day to replace my energy after all that, erm stiffness pmsl!!!
My days i really thought i was eating too much, it just seems so much food!! i do eat when i'm hungry but just don't really ever feel that hungry i can go a day only having a sandwich. If i've been out dancing all night i can eat so much the next day though. Thankyou for your answers xx
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how many calories do you have in a day?

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