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Daily Mail

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casternad | 21:58 Mon 04th Sep 2017 | Crosswords
14 Answers
Stuck on a few tonight.
4d.Greek character,eassyist and lawyer.6l.l-m---
11a.Knick knacks,like idols with nothing inside.5,5l f-n-y -o--- funny?
14aSome french arent able to start to sing treble parts.8l. d-s-a-ts.
21a.English castle designed to protect a mount.8l.ex-a---e
27a.Catty old pope of the eleventh centuary.7l.l-o-i-e
22d.A local star embarrassed about split.7l. --u-d-r.
many thanks


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11. fancy goods
14. descants
27 Leonine

22 Asunder
4 Lambda
21 Escalade
21a. escalate
It's a rather nice car though Mamya :-))
Well it is yes, my excuse is that typing whilst muttering under your breath makes you lose concentration :-)
Question Author
Thanks.Got the answers but with some of them I cant say I am any the wiser!
Leonine - like a cat (Lion) - Pope Leo IX

Escalate - Mount anag E +Castle

Asunder - split - A +Sun (star) + Red back
Lambda - Greek letter - (Charles) Lamb + DA (District attorney)
Escalate - Mount anag E + a Castle

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