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The polls!

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B00 | 17:27 Tue 04th Jul 2006 | Site Suggestions
11 Answers
They've returned- yay!

I missed the little tinkers :-)

Ta Ed


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but they allow multiple voting - not that i imagine someone being bothered to keep button pushing away for hours on end BUT you can never really tell with some of the AB users...
so someone asks for polls a few threads down and their wish is granted! In case there is a pattern forming here, can we have a chat category please, i shall pay for u to move from the cramped bed sit to a 3 star dive if u do lol. (only til the monastery renovations are finished mind.)
I am having a problem posting.,
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How can you multiple vote? I voted on it and it opened up the polls- how can you do it again?

Am I being deliberately dim here? (please be polite!)
I opened a new window and the poll filled the whole page...
whats the polls Boo please ? Doll x
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Hello Dollie (heh!)

The poll is under the little grey "Search the Site" box, which in turn is under the categories/topics over there <<<<<
oh yes - I see Boo. Cheers chicken. must be the year of the airhead !! Doll xx
Who chooses the poll topic then?

Personally I haven't voted because I don't really care too much about chidren and holidays (in the sense of the poll). Maybe if it was my own child and I was worried about it's schooling, or worried about being able to afford inflated schoool holiday prices then I may act acordingly, but do we really give two hoots about whether little Johnny goes on holiday with his mummy during term time?
JudgeJ does ;o)

Can we place multiple votes? I can't see how I can do that as all I can see right now is the current result. Not that I would want to vote more than once, you understand!
SEE! I wasnt being dumb before asking where the polls where, I was just er getting confused with my psychic messages or er something lol

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