A walk through a Chinese market will have cats, dogs, badgers, snakes, foxes, all manner of sources of protein. Just like we eat lamb, pork, beef and chicken. Different strokes for different folks.
Nope - near the White Swan where I've stayed a number of times.
Ate out on a boat in the river and managed to divert my host from buying water rat to hedgehog. I could joke a sharp taste but actually it was quite pleasant, naturally peppery. This was probably the only time I baulked as my credo is to try things at least once before condemning it - after all, it is their culture and not ours (to Mikey and hereIam). The one thing I could not get my head around was the 'o-rings' of turtles and tortoises, a texture thing for the Chinese.
Lastly, there's a lot of variation in cuisine across China but generally one doesn't see sheep on the menu in the south - and correspondingly (other than ducks and geese) birds northwards from Hangzhou....(Mao had a thing about eliminating birds - guess that was a little better than what Adolf did).