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jennyjoan | 17:20 Fri 13th Oct 2017 | Food & Drink
57 Answers
Errr - never again - Fresh Hake - looked lovely from fishmongers - layers and layers - fried it and found it utterly tasteless. Threw it out.

It would be a few years since I bought fresh fish and it probably will be another few years - may stick to chippie.

However what fish do you find tasty, tasty, they're very tasty. No not cornflakes. LOL



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Jenny you would be lucky to get a fish that big from the chippie here in London!!! It is more like a fish finger you're getting and all for £8!!!
Ospreys love Sewin, Mikey.
JJ how long did you cook it for ?
For some reason she seems to be avoiding that question!
JJ I bet you overcooked your hake - it's a beautiful fish when lightly cooked.
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Ummmm - you asked how I cooked it - if you read my original post - you will find the answer.
You said you'd fried but you been also asked how long for, which is important too.
Fried it in what, how long for, did it have skin on?
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Another Hake bites the dust. Won't be buying it again anyhow.
Haddock, cod loin, fresh tuna steak, salmon.
Why won't you ask a simple question, you could well get some help to make it better next time.
Not ask, I meant answer.
Just tell us how you cooked it JJ...what is so hard about that?

Most of us have made cooking mistakes over the years.

This sounds like a tradesman blaming his tools...
Jenny, folk tend to overcook fish, the biggest mistake there is, secondly, they don't let it rest a little....thirdly often they don't allow for the skin and it buckles - a little scoring is a good Ummmm's and Eccles' questions are fair ones.....Hake, properly cooked is delish but it needs a little delicate handling, as do a lot of white fish.
I wager we will never find out how long it was cooked for.
I love mackerel, but I also love cod from the chippie !

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