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Ip Wi-Fi Wireless Camera

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KJN | 18:34 Thu 09th Nov 2017 | Technology
5 Answers
Hi. Looking for a IP Wi-fi camera where you can turn the infra red night lights off, any recommendations please.?
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I'm not sure you can get them with that option (although I may be wrong).
The infra red lights are there to provide night vision, so why would you want to turn them off anyway??
It is possible to get cameras that still have night vision and don't have the visible red lights showing. These cameras use IR at a frequency of 940nm; as oppose to the traditional 850nm which emit a red glow.

Google, "invisible led night vision"
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Thanks Gizmaster, need one that I can point through the glass from inside the house, if I buy one that I can’t turn off the Infra then it will just reflect back on the glass.
Ah right, I understand now why you want the red lights off.
Even if you chose the one with the invisible IR (invisible to the naked eye), the CCTV camera would still pick it up and you'd still have the same problem with it being reflected back off the glass.
The only thing I can think off is to place tape around the edges, covering all the IR pieces, as the camera lens is in the centre - so basically leave a hole in the centre exposing the lens.
The only problem with this is you'll have very poor (if any) night vision, but you'd have that problem anyway if you turned the IR pieces off.
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It’s looking that way Gizmonster, Thanks for your help.

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Ip Wi-Fi Wireless Camera

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