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Boxing Day Top Tip

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gness | 01:25 Tue 26th Dec 2017 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Think twice before sitting with your third glass of wine and deciding to glue little white butterflies and silver stars to your finger and toenails..... :-(


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I'll bet that there stuck on the floor and the settee then ;-)
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All my nails....the sofa and the carpet,'s Christmas....... :-)
Gawd, women and bling.
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But you love us...... :-)
I beaded my nails last night, it was fun vacuuming the bed sheets this morning.
Rattle Rattle Ping Ping.
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Much more fun than cream cracker crumbs, Mamya...... :-)
Oh yes a step up in the bling/vac stakes.
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Tony to MrsAV........"There are two really daft birds on AB"... ;-)
Could be three if she joined ;-)
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And she'd be very welcome, Tony......she's
."There are two really daft birds on AB"... ;-)

Well there are those that have suggested that she must have been daft to marry me.
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Poppycock, Tony.....I've seen you adore each other...x
There is a lot of truth in the old saying that ''opposites attract'', gness.
Thanks for your tip.

However I can't recall ever feeling a desire to stick little white butterflies and/or silver stars to any part of my anatomy.

I suspect that I'd need to have drunk rather more than three glasses of wine for me to be enamoured of the idea ;-)
think of the fun you'd have with the kitties peeling (ahem) the little stickies off your anatomy tho Chris :-D

ouch, ooyha, ouch x
This good get positively kinky, Alba!

Kinky's good...

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