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Inspired By Rocky's Boring Hour.....

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gness | 18:58 Wed 03rd Jan 2018 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
If you knew you had to sit, alone in a deserted car park with no phone signal, how would you pass that.....let's make it two hours?

I'd knit or read the book I've just been given.....

This is Going to Hurt....Secret Diaries of a Junior Adam Kay.....

Making me laugh and despair at the same time.....x


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I'd recline back and listen to some tunes and try not to worry where everybody has gone.
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Kval, Shoota....not me.....:-)

When my daughter was little, Yogi....I told her that before eating a ginger nut you had to put it in the palm of your hand....then, bending your other arm bash the biscuit on your elbow and if it broke into three bits you could make a wish that would come true....
Before she went to Uni I didn't think to tell her I had made it up....and soon all the students were doing it......before exams.....going out on the pull.....taking a driving test......going through packets of biscuits till one broke into three........ :-)
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Two hours of being alone and listening to music, Ark.....I'd love that!
Brilliantly cunning, started a trend there.....will try that when we next buy some ginger nuts......just won't be the same effect with a garibaldi ☺
Have had to spend lots of time waiting around, for the past couple of years I not only have a pair of socks on the needles in my car, but also a large print crossword puzzle book that I got for Mr F and he didn't like. Great if I have forgotten my specs.
Now I never mind a little wait in the car.
That is brilliantly funny Gness it does explain a lot aboot the yooth of today.

Arky suddenly fancies a ginger nut...
Probably listen to radio, or find old cut out crossword from news paper I usually keep in my bag..
I'd eat all the ginger nuts then fall asleep listening to classic FM !
Only one thing to do when bored in a car park ...

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You could start a trend, Yogi.....the one with fourteen currants in a garibaldi will have luck all year.....make lots of crumbs though..x
Had a boyfriend in the 60s who told his mum England's Glory was running a competition...anyone who bought a box of matches with exactly 53 matches inside won a prize.....she fell for it... and tried to claim a prize.....
He lated died falling down some stairs....I reckon she got her revenge....x

I know, Ferlew......I did too and hand made a king sized quilt during my waiting around periods....all from little hexagons that were easy to transport.....
I hope you have a good year,'s been hard for you and it'd be nice for you to have some time to enjoy....Gx
doris wants to know where all the ginger nuts have gone and why have i have a got a sore elbow? ...

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Thing is....I can't eat a ginger nut now without doing it...... and probably all the students have passed it on.......:-)

Time to just sit and listen to the radio, Patsy...would be phone.....nobody needing ginger nuts and sleep.....

I was just thinking I'd go and find a car park to sit in for two hours tomorrow....then I read Dave's post...and with my luck... :-(
Thanks Gness, hoping to find meaningful stuff to do to fill these now empty hours.
Nowt like a good knit though to calm one down.
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Ahhh...but did you get a three-er, Ael.....and if so what was your wish?...... x
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You will, Ferlew.....I did.....I recall suddenly being on my hospital visits or nursing to do...just me and all the time in the world.....but there are so many things to do as time goes on...and knitting....well I've been surprised to read so much about the health benefits of knitting......keep it up! x
Read from my Kindle, do the crossword in the paper, start a new short-story on whatever paper came to hand! (Might have to visit the toilets for some more.)
I'd lock all doors and sleep for the 2 hours
And I'd be in the car next to Ducksie also snoring. My phone hasnt stopped for two blummin days. Actually I mean phones. I'll be yacking on one and then the other rings!

But....... I wouldnt sleep because I'd be too worried about the increasing number of voicemails.

So I'd probably just watch the birds (goldfinches hopefully) and listen to the sound of birdsong or silence.
I thought about the phone bit BM but it says no phone so if I had no phone and didn't feel sleepy, I'd valet the car - either sleep or clean :)

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