Expunge \Ex*punge"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Expunged; p. pr. &
vb. n. Expunging.] [L. expungere, expunctum, prick out,
expunge, settle an account, execute; ex out + pungere to
prick, puncture. See Pungent.]
1. To blot out, as with pen; to rub out; to efface
designedly; to obliterate; to strike out wholly; as, to
expunge words, lines, or sentences.
2. To strike out; to wipe out or destroy; to annihilate; as,
to expugne an offense. --Sandys.
Expugne the whole, or lop th' excrescent parts.
Syn: To efface; erase; obliterate; strike out; destroy;
annihilate; cancel.