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Chipchopper | 10:00 Sat 20th Jan 2018 | Business & Finance
16 Answers
I can't remember the last time I saw a ten pence coin in my change.
Have they been withdrawn ?



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The self service tills don't give out 10p coins so you either end up copper or 5p coins!
11:06 Sat 20th Jan 2018
.. I cant remember the last time I seen change .. !
No...I have loads of them.
cant remember the last time i paid for anything with cash always use my card
Me too. Only draw cash to pay my cleaner.
I generally just use a card as well but a small amount of cash is handy if you just need a pint of milk or something similar.

I have about 9 jars full of change.
Most things at the shop are paid for in cash. Usually at the filling station too. And the pub. It's basically household bills that get cheques and Net mail order, card. Cash allows one to see the money going and concentrates the mind on whether one should purchase or not. Those who don't tend to use it lose that useful reminder.

Yes 10p is common. You must just tend to purchase items that require only 50p/20p and copper in change.
I only use cash for the launderette, for the burger van up the road and for some car parks and supermarket trolleys. I use plastic for everything else.

I've got just 2 coins in my pocket at the moment, one 5p and one 10p.
I think when you have kids knocking around you need change.
The self service tills don't give out 10p coins so you either end up copper or 5p coins!
>>> I think when you have kids knocking around you need change

When you've got kids knocking around you don't need change. You need a security van to hold all the money you'll need ;-)
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I can still remember the days when a simple 'Could you spare 10p for a cup of tea' was the norm instead of all this palaver.

I've sent you a postal order. :)
You must be quite young, Douglas. Back in my day 10p (two bob) would have got me a full English with my tea.
I have three at the moment. I save them until I have £5.00 worth and then pay them in to my bank.

I wonder if there is a shortage of £5.00 notes. I never seem to see them.
Plenty of new fivers around but you'll only get one if your change comes to £5 or more.

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