I didn't know where to ask this question or whether it is desirable, but can we help? I have a young neighbour (aged20) who is currently studying at Nottingham Uni. He has a dissertation to prepare based on a survey. Now this survey is all about the 60s and he is struggling to find people who were there. His sister came around last night and asked me if I would complete the survey. I and "She who must be obeyed" have done so, and then she asked if I knew an other "oldies" who would be willing to help. It is totally anonymous through typeform and with Ed's permission I can post the link if anyone is willing. Take you about half an hour for 16 questions. Come on you older ones help a young fellah, he is by the way a charming young man who's family on his mother's side are all from the Outer Hebrides. 6ft 2in and bright red hair, and that is just his sister.
Hi Togo, This sounds fine to me - I remember doing my dissertation and looking for people to fill in my survey, so I appreciate your neighbour needs as many responses as possible! Feel free to post the link, and I'll make this post a sticky.
Just thought that I would pass on the email I received from our young prodigy. I would like to thank all you kind folk who took the time out to help.
//Hi "Togo"[Togo Edit]
I just want to say thank you very much for your help with completing and spreading the survey! It really helped me reach my goal of 100 respondents.
Also thank you very much for offering to be interviewed for my study I really appreciate it! I am currently working on the questions and need to get approval from my tutor so I will let you know the plans as soon as they are good to go.
Quick update. I have just conducted a recorded skype interview with young Fraser for his course work and dissertation based on the survey that so many of you filled in for us. Great lad and we had a laugh as well. He asked me again to pass on his gratitude for your help. His Mum came round on Sunday afternoon to ask me if I was willing to do the interview as Fraser didn't know who else to ask, I of course said that I was only too happy. She also told me that he was struggling to reach his 100 target with the online survey only having 40 or so replies in a 2 week period. After I posted here with Ed's agreement, he reached the target within 2 days. Answerbank Rules OK. :))
I think the survey may be closed now Tills, not sure. You can try. I think that you may have been "away" when the original post went up, but it has been quite an exercise for me in some ways. I really didn't think that the youngsters wanted to know about that stuff. Seems they do, we are being "studied" now..........Haha. Great fun tonight and got me revved up a bit. If I wrote it all down it would be a great book.