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Are You, Like Me, A Proud Infidel?

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Theland | 02:27 Sat 24th Feb 2018 | Religion & Spirituality
95 Answers
Is it not time do you think, that we should brandish and flaunt our status as infidels and send a message to Muslims that Britons are stirring and waking up?


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My point is that no-one in this country lives in a society 'overrun' by Muslims - I think we'd all know if we did.

As I said on a thread a few months ago ... Last year I did some work for a Muslim at his new house that he bought to move away from .... Muslims.
If it adds anything to the discussion --- we had a very good, nice, Muslim Pakistani family at my last school in Bradford. Dad was a senior Dr., can't remember mum's occupation, something to do with law. The daughter I knew and taught was a great kid and she followed her older 2 brothers into a Russell group uni.. (one of them went to, I think, Cambridge) lovely girl, westernised, played hockey etc. for the school.

We were really looking forward to welcoming the younger brother - but dad refused and told us that, as a school, we now had too many of the 'wrong sort of Muslims'. I quote exactly - it stuck in the memory.

I am proud of being a Christian - but it is not our way to flaunt our beliefs, sorry. Perhaps you are right Theland and it is time to be more assertive. I would find this difficult. Where I live assumes that we are all basically Christian. I hope that I would not be found to be wanting if called upon to stand up for my beliefs, but I don't want another 'Holy War'. Different if pushed to the limit.
I always wondered why my university, Durham, was not a part of the Russell group. I discovered much later that a condition of membership was that there was a medical school attached. When the group was founded King's College, Durham, which housed the medical school had recently become the university of Newcastle, so Durham no longer qualified. This has since been remedied since Durham opened a new campus on Teeside which has a medical school. I can't think why that was a necessary qualification, but there you go.
Elder sproglet read Chemistry at Durham, JD. It seems to be classed as Russell group now (and has been for some time)-a lovely place for me to visit and see her. :)
Yes, as I said, the medical school on Teeside qualified Durham for membership. I have many happy memories of Durham.
So do I, JD. I slept in her room in St. Mary's sometimes - the atmosphere was wonderful (she visited her boyfriend). Peter Ustinov (much smaller than I thought) did the degree ceremony.
At the time you mention St Mary's would have been a women-only college, just as mine, Hatfield, was men only. All has changed now but St Mary's was the last to go mixed.
It was female only JD. I suspect that we have wandered , pleasantly, off-topic. Happy days. :)
You are right. Apologies for the diversion.
I can place Hatfield. I also apologise. :)
andy-hughes, that’s not sarcasm. It’s a reflection of the way in which your attitude comes across. You don’t live in such a society, therefore you irrationally insist that no one else does.
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Gutless spineless politicians, the BBC and the press allow muslims to ride roughshod over our freedoms without a challenge.
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