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Shakespeare And Hathaway

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catswhiskas | 10:48 Thu 08th Mar 2018 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers
Can any one say if theme tune for above programme is the same as rosemary and Thyme ?


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Avatar Image Theme tune about 1 min 40 seconds in
10:52 Thu 08th Mar 2018
Cut from the same cloth - but not the same - the S&H one is perkier.

Good series I think?
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Thanks sunny-dave
Thanks, catswhiskas - I hadn't noticed the similarity before & it was interesting to compare the themes.
The theme is "Rosemary and Thyme Caprice for guitar and orchestra." composed by Christopher Gunning

and is one arrangement of the the Scarborough Fair ballad

The theme for Shakespeare and Hathaway was composed by Debbie Wiseman.

Debbie Wiseman is an accomplished composer. You may be interested to see some of her other work:
Can't say about the theme, but I swear the incidental music is recycled from Father Brown or The Coroner.
I agree postdog, reminded me of The Coroner theme. Shame they are not doing any more of that.

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Shakespeare And Hathaway

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