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Beast From The East

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nailit | 20:06 Sat 17th Mar 2018 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
Anyone snowed under at the mo?
My son just rang me from the walk in medical centre (as per my previous thread) and cant get a taxi back home. Bit of a snow blizzard here in Stoke at the moment. I live on quiet a sharp incline of a hill and cars are struggling to get up.


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Thanks Nailit. Wow, that’s a great weather site Tilly.
just cleared all the's on again ! :0(
It is, Zacs. Good luck with your journey.
Nice one Tily. I've bookmarked that AND sent it to my mate. Thanks.
We've had to cancel our planned trip. It's not worth the risk. :-(
Better safe than sorry, NoM.
I'm sorry about that, NoM....but you're wise.....

Deep snow here this morning...x
Freezing cold, but only flurries of snow and a bitter wind. Hope all this doesn't last long !!

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Beast From The East

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