Politics1 min ago
Register Sim Card
3 Answers
Is it ok to register a sim card in an iPhone and then transfer it to a Huawei WiFi unit?
I suspect that Huawei devices are locked to a particular network. So if, say, you bought this device https:// www. pcworld. co. uk/ gbuk/ phones- broadband- and- sat- nav/ broadband/ mobile- broadband/ three- pay- as- you- go- 3g- mifi- 10023991- pdt. html you'd need to use a Three SIM. So, to try what you're suggesting, you'd obviously need to use either an...
16:13 Tue 20th Mar 2018
Contrary to the old saying ("Size isn't important") I think that you'd probably face a practical problem. Huawei devices require mini-SIMs:
http:// ee.co.u k/help/ phones- and-dev ice/hua wei/hua wei-e53 30-mobi le-wifi /huawei -e5330- mobile- wifi--- getting -starte d/huawe i-e5330 -mobile -wifi-- -what-s im-type -is-req uired
(They're actually what most people think of as 'normal' SIM cards, 25mm x 15mm)
iPhone 4 and 4s models use micro-SD cards (15mm x 12mm)
iPhone 5 and later models use nano-SD cards (12.3mm x 8mm)
(They're actually what most people think of as 'normal' SIM cards, 25mm x 15mm)
iPhone 4 and 4s models use micro-SD cards (15mm x 12mm)
iPhone 5 and later models use nano-SD cards (12.3mm x 8mm)
I suspect that Huawei devices are locked to a particular network. So if, say, you bought this device
https:/ /www.pc world.c o.uk/gb uk/phon es-broa dband-a nd-sat- nav/bro adband/ mobile- broadba nd/thre e-pay-a s-you-g o-3g-mi fi-1002 3991-pd t.html
you'd need to use a Three SIM. So, to try what you're suggesting, you'd obviously need to use either an unlocked phone or a phone locked to Three for the registration process.
However, depending upon how the provider's system works, you might then end up with a 'data+calls+texts' account (for the phone), rather than the 'data only' type that you'd actually need (for the wifi device).
you'd need to use a Three SIM. So, to try what you're suggesting, you'd obviously need to use either an unlocked phone or a phone locked to Three for the registration process.
However, depending upon how the provider's system works, you might then end up with a 'data+calls+texts' account (for the phone), rather than the 'data only' type that you'd actually need (for the wifi device).