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Young Woman Of Today

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fruitsalad | 20:04 Tue 20th Mar 2018 | Body & Soul
35 Answers
Do you think young woman today seem quicker to jump into bed with men on first meeting, than years ago or is it more out in the open these days.


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I love these old fart threads. AB at its best.
I think you shouldn't judge young woman of today, she's free to sleep around if she likes -- and doesn't represent young women as a whole.
Recreational sex? Is that another name for 'relieving' yourself sex!.
Oops --meant to say between two people .
Recreational sex= sex which you have simply because you wish to- that is there is no need or desire to be in love or in a relationship with someone, also known as casual sex- but yes full sex, to answer your question sqad. Crikey that was unnecessarily hard work.
Interesting point someone else raised about their mother and grandmother's generations, people in the 1920's- 1940's were actually quite promiscuous in comparison to people in the 1950's.
I think it was far more common in the era of 'Flower Power' ,and the 'Swinging 60s ' than it is today.
In the 1960s there was a 'thing' about having sex with someone without even asking their name first.
^^^And don't forget the pill gave women more leeway to have sex without worrying.
Fruitsalad, when you say 'years ago', do you mean years ago in the 1980s or back in the 50s and 60s?
Kvali....sorry if it was hard work for you but O had to establish what one meant by we have established that, then in my opinion, recreational sex did not exist in the 40's 50's mainly because of being scared of becoming pregnant. The only method of contraception in that era was coitus interuptus, the condom and just the start of the pill.
One was just too scared of being pregnant.
All this is now gone and free love with penetration is far more my opinion and quite often teenaged girls go on holiday to "get laid."
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Where to?
The late '60s and '70s was quite a wild time, I remember with nostalgia.
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Cloverjo I was thinking 60s/70s compared to today.
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