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Local Police

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nailit | 07:52 Mon 02nd Apr 2018 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
Can anyone help me out here?
(Have posted in CB rather than Law as there always seems to be more traffic here this time of the morning)
Had to have the police out last night to get my son and his GF arrested. Have been searching google to try and get a phone number for the Northern Area Custody suite (Stoke on Trent) to find out what has happened since (has he been charged, released etc) The only number that is showing is asking me to type in the arresting officers collar number, which I don't have.
How do I find out what has happened since if I cant contact the police?


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//meant son would call whenever...//
just worried about where he is now minty, would have felt better if he had been in custody, at least I would have known where he is...
Have you looked outside your Windows ? He may be lurking ?
Probably gone to one of his friends.
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Do you ever wish that you could just have a quiet, uncomplicated life?
Is there such a thing ?
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I'm sick of the sight of police officers, if they are not arresting me they are in my home for one reason or another. I think I ought to qualify by now for a free ticket to the police mans ball!
Yes, but it took me about 80 years to get there.
That's for Minty.
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//Yes, but it took me about 80 years to get there.//
Theres hope yet then, lol
"I'm sick of the sight of police officers"
but you called them. You cant really complain about them when they have done what you asked!
" sick of the sight of them ( police ) " , until you need them !!!!
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Didn't mean it in a derogatory way, should have phrased it better. I meant that I could do without the trouble that requires the police to attend.
Nailit, when I read about how your son treats you I realise mine aren't so bad after all. I get cross on your behalf when I read how badly he behaves towards you. If only we didn't love them ...
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He's not that bad ladybirder, just got a few issues of his own, don't we all? But yes, we love our kids no matter what. (I'm sure my own parents had plenty of oppurtunities to disown me)
Sorry, Nailit, but if that was one of my kids they'd be out the door.

Are you being too soft because of your own issues?

-- answer removed --
we love them but sometimes don't like them x

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