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jennyjoan | 23:16 Sat 21st Apr 2018 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Does anybody how Emmie is after her little procedure today.


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What 'litte procedure' has Emmie had, conne.
Question Author
A little bowel test Tony
Ah, thanks conne.
Not since she went no - she posted this on the morning thread.

//lets hope its good news.
but i might sign on later if i don;t feel too bad, but a friend is coming round about 5 so hopefully im back by then. I confess this movicol prep is disgusting, i am amazed i drank 1 and a half litres of the stuff, you would think that they could give it a nice taste.//
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Thanks Mamy - it is a rotten thing to have got done but when it's over it feels great. Hope she is ok cos she was worried about it all week.
thanks for thinking of me JJ. It went ok, now the wait for an appointment to see the results.
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just one query Emmie - were you knocked out and if not did you feel anything - my friend is going through another one - last one she had - she said although she was groggy - she was allowed to see her big backside on the screen. Am wondering was she hallucinating - who the hell wants to see that LOL - Glad you are over it anyway
you are groggy but not fully out, as you need to turn over onto your back or your side so they can get the camera in the correct position. Its not very dignified but you can view if you so desire the camera and where its going.
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sorry Emmie - because of the little sedation - did you have to have somebody with you or were you able to go home a bit later.
i was supposed to have someone with me, i did have patient transports which helps immensely, so i got home ok, but you are supposed to have a companion because of the effects of the sedation. My friend was going to come along later but got waylaid by her children,
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ok thanks Emmie and am glad you are over it. I think the most horrible is the bloody drinks - so hard to get down. Anyway upwards and onwards with the results and you know if they find anything sinister you will hear quite quickly - the later you hear you'll be fine. Have a good day Emmie x
the drink is the hard bit to be honest, disgusting is the only way i can describe it.
thanks for thinking of me, its very nice that people do.

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