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Kay Burley - Sky?

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netibiza | 12:57 Mon 08th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Has she been removed from reporting of the disappearance of little Alice Jones? She apparetenly shocked and horrified lots of people when she announced it had turned to a murder hunt. Haven't seen her since


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her Wikipedia page was temporarily edited to say she also works part-time as death
"Part-time as Death?" what does that mean?
As the grim reaper, announcing death
April Jones.

The Wiki link actually says 'she also works part time as Death', a so called joke
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but is she still in Wales reporting?
She tweeted on Friday 5th Oct (that same day) that she was being sent home from work early that day, and hasn't tweeted anything since.
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Thanks bibblebub, I just wondered how they have dealt with it.
Her reporting from the offset was cringe worthy, uncaring and damn right amateurish. The woman is a fool and needs to find another vocation.
I actually have a small amount of sympathy for her, having watched what happened.

She was talking to someone who knew about the arrest for murder. Someone else came into shot who didn't know, so she told them. It was obviously very upsetting for the two people on camera but what was she supposed to do? She did appear to me to be uncomfortable at having to reveal that to someone.

However, asking them for comment was completely out of order.
She conducts interviews without an ounce of compassion

Remember her interviewing partner of the guy who killed 5 prostitutes in Ipswich a few years ago, she basically inferred that maybe he wouldn't have committed the crimes if she'd been more 'accommodating in the bedroom'
I think joeluke has hit the nail on the head. She exhibits no compassion or empathy for those she interviews.
Perhaps the Botox went further than the face
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Kay Burley - Sky?

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