Quizzes & Puzzles4 mins ago
Cleaning A Chair.
5 Answers
I bought a good quality chair from one of the local charity shops, but when I got it home I noticed a ‘head’ shaped mark on one of the wings of the chair.
Possibly caused by grease?
I don’t particularly want to take it back, but can anyone suggest a way of cleaning a mark on the material of a chair.
It is good quality red slightly shiny cloth.
I don’t want to tackle it without knowing what I’m doing, and make it more obvious.
Any suggestions?
Possibly caused by grease?
I don’t particularly want to take it back, but can anyone suggest a way of cleaning a mark on the material of a chair.
It is good quality red slightly shiny cloth.
I don’t want to tackle it without knowing what I’m doing, and make it more obvious.
Any suggestions?
This will do it, I know it's supposed to be for car upholstery but it will also work on your chair to. https://www. ebay.co.uk/i tm/Turtle-Wa x-Interior-1 -Car-Seat-Up holstery-Dry -Foam-Cleane r-With-Brush -500ml/32305 0864484?epid =1578778697& amp;hash=ite m4b3754ff64: g:y2cAAOSwT2 daLKTR
21:43 Mon 07th May 2018
This any good .......
http:// www.cle anfresn ocarpet s.com/h ow-to-r emove-h air-oil -from-u pholste ry
If it were my problem I would definitely start with isopropyl alcohol and use it to wet an absorbent cloth (thick cotton sheet or towelling). If you have difficulty finding isopropyl alcohol then have a look at eBay - one litre should be enough, it is an excellent, non-aggressive degreaser. Then once it has mostly dried follow with mild soap and water. Depending on how delicate the fabric is, use either a firm cloth (e.g. towelling) or a nail brush to wash away the remaining grease free dirt and then dab firmly with dry towelling to pick up the moisture together with residual dirt. Repeat if you think necessary.
This will do it, I know it's supposed to be for car upholstery but it will also work on your chair to.
https:/ /www.eb ay.co.u k/itm/T urtle-W ax-Inte rior-1- Car-Sea t-Uphol stery-D ry-Foam -Cleane r-With- Brush-5 00ml/32 3050864 484?epi d=15787 78697&a mp;hash =item4b 3754ff6 4:g:y2c AAOSwT2 daLKTR