I paid privately to see a Dermatologist before the NHS one could see me in July. He has confirmed eczema on my hands and says there's nothing I can do about it except wait and hope that this current flare up (which has been very, VERY painful since February) clears up soon. He has given me five days (he said) of these tablets. He said take six a day for five days. The leaflet inside says take one a day. Obviously I'm going to take six, but I'm hoping someone else will be on here who's taken them before and will say "Yes, six a day is fine, it'll be grand and will get rid of your pain". And maybe they can tell me whether to take six at once, or two three times a day...
Yes, presuming that they are Prednisolone 5mgms, then 6 a day is not a massive dose.........it is routine in Atopic Eczema.
Take them all at once...first thing in the morning.
I have never suffered with eczema and i am not a dermatologist.
Make sure it is with food, and watch out for the carb cravings from about day three, always get them when I am on steroids for asthma, so do a couple of friends. I can put on half a stone if I give in. They will calm down the inflammation