I work for a Local authority and for certain reasons I won’t go into at the moment I am not particularly needed at work for the next four or five months. I am currently looking after my mother with Alzhmiers and feel that as she is deteriorating the time will come when she needs 24 hour care. In the meantime I would like to apply for a leave of absence from work. I realise I will not be paid for this but can manage for a few months. Can anyone advise what the best way forward would be
Does it say anything in your contract of employment? Being a Local Authority I'm sure they will have guidelines to cover unpaid leave. As bhg481 says have a chat with your manager.
I think I'd start with your line manager, rather than HR. If he's against it it's unlikely you'll be granted it anyway and I think he'd appreciate the politeness of the gesture.
When I wanted to go part-time as a run-up to full retirement I spoke to my line manager and he took it the rest of the way with HR.
I said HR because they will know the procedures on how you apply and what problems you might come across, possibly better than your line manager (who will more than likely also consult HR).
Bednobs - thank you for your answer - there is a specific reason why I am not needed at the moment that I won't go into here but - suffice to say - when this is 'resolved' I will again be firing on all cylinders (well 22 hours per week anyway) - Thank you all so much for your answers - things have taken a turn (I won't say for the worse yet as it changes daily) and I may not need to at the moment