//...Soros...can "persuade" Mastercard and Visa not to process donations. Scary. What next? Target any business that does not support the Globalist one world order programme...and disrupt their transaction ability. If they can do this, what is stopping them keeping records of anyone who donates to the "wrong" political group...//
Any business, or person, even. Let's hope Visa and Mastercard don't find out about my support for Horowitz and the late founder of Breitbart News. Apart from fresh fruit and my occasional visit to a pub all my finances are managed through the banking system and the credit providers.
1984 yes, but anticipated by Revelation nineteen hundred years earlier: ".... no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
Early numerologists got Nero Caesar out of the that "number". Don't know if anybody's done a similar trick equating Soros and 666. (Zany and Klown have shown up on this thread, but unlikely to comment usefully on gematria. Not too late for Pretty Precious though, is it?)
That aside, apparently the denial of a service to a group (or persons) for arbitrary reasons by a company open for business to the public is Ok if you're VISA, but not if you're a Christian pastry chef.