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Hi I Have Returned

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TonyVent1959 | 02:44 Wed 05th Sep 2018 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Previously was TonyV but now back with new ID looking forward to chatting to waterboatman


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AWOL for 11 months?

I hope that you've got a note from your Mum ;-)
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Morning Chris have been viewing but had problem with trying with AOL to retrieve my emails and password
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Unfortunately that is part of the issue Chris. My mother passed away in July last year but at 97 she had a good innings
As I clicked the 'Submit' button, Tony, I suddenly thought "Ruddy 'eck, I hope that Tony hasn't lost his mother recently. If so, he might not appreciate my humble attempt at humour". If anyone can put his foot in it at every opportunity, it's me :(

Sorry about that (and, of course, about your loss). 97 was certainly a fine innings though.

I'll be off to bed soon, so I won't be here for long but Boaty's still posting at around 0430 (unless he's got computer problems) each morning, so he should be here soon.
At least we will stop confusing you with TonyAV now.

Welcome back.
Welcome back Tony xx
Hello Tony, sorry to hear about Mum - glad you've come back to us.x
Hi Tony, welcome back - my condolences to you on the loss of your mum.
Welcome back. Agree with Hopkirk we won't get you mixed up with TonyAV.
Sorry to hear about your mum.
Hi there Tony, don't know if we've spoken before but welcome back. Sorry to hear about your mum, but as you say a good innings. I had my dad til he was 95 but you still miss them sorely.
Hi Tony

Sorry to hear about your Mum. Welcome back though.

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Hi I Have Returned

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