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26 Years Waste Of Tax Payers Money

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retrocop | 13:15 Tue 18th Sep 2018 | News
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I really do not recall this case. Considering the murder was filmed by the press I'm surprised this is the first I have learnt of it.
Any one else recall this murdering nutter at the time?


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in which case some one would probably walk free if they were to murder geezer.....
Tora How the heck did you know he was 'enjoying it'? Were you there? He was sent there, despite not needing to go, to try and diffuse the situation as he had previously had a good relationship with Dryden. He could have remained in his office pushing papers but he went there of his own accord, not to gloat but to try and talk some sense in Dryden. I would really like to tell you what I think you are but frankly you're not worth it. Harry Collinson was a good man killed at point blank range, then shot again while he was down, just doing his job.
Possibly get some sort of bonus-award, too, fluff....
hereiam: "So were you or were you not TTT?? Knowing you from your other posts, I assumed you would be totally on the poor murdered man's side - have I got you wrong this time ...? " - I was not being Ironic, I remember the case at the time there were other encounters besides the one shown. AuntLydia: "I would really like to tell you what I think you are but frankly you're not worth it." - go ahead I won't complain.
Quite frankly then, I'm gobsmacked ...
yeah it was a hill-billy
there is part of the viddie on the site given - the hacks captured it all and then didnt know what to do. Like was he gonna shoot them as well

He had dug a big hole - like tennis court sized - then built an awful breeze block shack ( 'the house') in it

and yes he pleaded that it was not on his land. like "ON" his land.
so the council sought an order to pull the whole thing down - his defence was also he would be made homeless and god knows what.

and when they all collected on the Day - he pulled a gun, asked if they had got it and then shot the enforcement officer. All outside the appalling shack

and the consequence was - - - if you so much as peeped at an enforcement officer - he would allege that he was being threatened and armed police would attend any enforcement action.
( you can imagine the over - fed civil servant weeping down the phone: " yes yes this old granny - harradan, brunnhilde figure bared her teeth at me and I was SO frightened!" jowls wobbling pitifully)

and bill the tenant and landowner for the extra cost ( no appeal that it wasnt necessary and you hadnt threatened....)

you asked if I remembered it

// Tora How the heck did you know he was 'enjoying it'?//

there was a lot more of the video at the time
which was only latterly cut ( so early on we saw most of it on tel)
planning officers as Little Hitlers
you clearly havent made a planning application

I objected to a nursery school near a canal - too many drownded children - and we were all invited to address manchester city planning committee - 1985 - I thought "this was the life"

and a retired planning officer in Little Fotting on the Marsh commented to me later - oh we didnt open our planning committee meetings for at least another fifteen years. we were one of the last

Peter for goodness sake try reading my posts. I worked at Derwentside DC when it happened,. He was my boss!!!!
thank you
sorry Aunt lydie

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