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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 03:41 Fri 21st Sep 2018 | ChatterBank
79 Answers
Friday. It was blowing an 'ooligan during the night, the back garden looks like a bomb site, a lot of tidying up to do when it gets light. Still raining now, but the wind has died down. So that's a fair bit of the day taken care of.Such is life.


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good idea minty.....
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millie keep strong sweetheart. you'll be fine. xxx
will need to be brave..hate needles, but have had so many protracted and recurring , chesty , flu like episodes in recent times....
Just stay strong Millie, remember this is time to put yourself first.
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minty I know you do, but you have to be brave, it's better then the alternative.
Very much so, millie....the advice is endorsed here.

Needles, minty, I hate them too - the flu jab isn't a big one though.
terrible needle phobia...time for big girl
time to make a move and stir those pins.....have a good one, all.
bye DT xx
Need to make my appointment too. Had a text reminder yesterday.
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'bye DT.

t'internet still being oboxious, so I'm calling it a day.

Have a happy day everyone. xxxxx
bye Boaty xx
bit damp and nippy here..but wind has finally died down
Rowan..the fat/ice cream business...sounds like maybe a gall bladder issue ? get it checked..
Already done, it's been going on for years too much fat and it's an hour in the loo. I have been on low fat eating for so long I have simply reduced my tolerance. It does help keep me on the straight and narrow most of the time.
ahhh.... I always go for low fat too..skimmed milk etc..not a fan of overly rich food either...
good morning all,
Sorry for delay in replying, lost internet.

I'm feeling so much better now, having offloaded to you lovely people.

I've spoken to my Son and Cousin who offered to help so we will wait for scan on Tuesday to see when they want me and will take it from there. X
morning emmie xx

that's good to hear NOT try to take the world on by yourself xx

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