Old Cheddar cheese smothered with raspberry jam between two Jacob's Cream Crackers which are not available to me in this part of Ontario, Canada. Ah well! The cheese and raspberry jam goes nicely with wholewheat bread, too.
I never use butter either, I use mayo, mustard, salad dressing or olive oil depending on the filling. My current favourite sandwich is actually from Subway, i know it's terrible and a fast food chain but I love the Italian BMT on herby bread, toasted with cheese, salad leaves, tomato, black olives and honey mustard dressing. It's divine!
My hubby has to have butter on even when it is a sandwich with egg mayo or tuna mayo.
Subway melt is delicious, but my absolute favourite is ham & cheese (mature if possible) with salad cream over the grated cheese or grated mature cheese with tomato sauce in a white bread bun (don't go urgh) try it and come back to me it is the best!!!!