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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 03:23 Thu 27th Sep 2018 | ChatterBank
69 Answers
Thursday. quite pleasent outside, just put as load of washing on the line, didn't need a jacket. It's going to be a nice day. I'll see if I can think of somewhere to go.

Have a happy day everyone.


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bye DT xx Morning Clarion xx builders here..must go..see you later xx
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Have a good day minty. xxxxx
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Time for me to make a move too. Have a happy day everyone.
Emmie did you try what I suggested? It will work except for gastro meteorology rather than colorectal. I though you had polyps removed from below.
bye all, seems you later perhaps...
Gastro enterology If you did have the polyps taken from the lower end it should be colorectal surgeons if you are referred. Either way find out the clinical service lead or clinical director for the speciality and write to them. They are responsible for what happens in their department
i did have polyps removed, then i waited months to have x ray scans with nuclear medicine and that's the results i am currently waiting for, an appointment to discuss with the doctors the results of those scans. I have e mailed the secretary to that dept but she hasn't got back to me yet. I want to know the results in case there is anything amiss
If they had found cancer you would have been on a treatment pathway by now, like I said complains department, follow up in writing with copy to main consultant for that department, you could copy in the hospital manager for the department too. If you tell me the hospital I can find out for you.

my printer died a death a while back, so any letter has to be done by hand. Then a long trek to the nearest place that does photocopies, not nay saying your suggestions its not that simple...
I will email the secretary again next week if i have heard nothing. I tried phoning UCLH London
where i am being treated and held on throughout the day to appointments, i held on for 30 minutes on one call alone. No joy, either they are so busy or they can't be rsed to pick up the phone.

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