Quizzes & Puzzles61 mins ago
I Am Not Impressed
https:/ /www.bb c.co.uk /news/u k-45784 043
I expect Sir Craig Mackey will enjoy a long retirement and healthy pension.
If only the same could be said of Sgt & Mrs Keith Palmer.
I expect Sir Craig Mackey will enjoy a long retirement and healthy pension.
If only the same could be said of Sgt & Mrs Keith Palmer.
He and the other officers are cowards and a disgrace to the uniform. I don't know him but I am ashamed of him.
17:56 Mon 08th Oct 2018
vulcan.......I understand that.
He was in a short sleeved shirt,unarmed, no radio contact and in the presence of non police personnel. However well one is trained there are certain situations that need a quick, sometimes kneejerk reaction and this was one of those situations.
A situation where one PC was mortally stabbed, could well have ended up with two police officers stabbed, clearly not a satisfactory outcome.
I surgery, there is a rule, if one is in trouble, then try not to make it worse and i feel that hat is appropriate to the incident under discussion.
I understand and respect the opinions of the vast majority of posters, it just happens that i quite understand the decision Of the AAC.
He was in a short sleeved shirt,unarmed, no radio contact and in the presence of non police personnel. However well one is trained there are certain situations that need a quick, sometimes kneejerk reaction and this was one of those situations.
A situation where one PC was mortally stabbed, could well have ended up with two police officers stabbed, clearly not a satisfactory outcome.
I surgery, there is a rule, if one is in trouble, then try not to make it worse and i feel that hat is appropriate to the incident under discussion.
I understand and respect the opinions of the vast majority of posters, it just happens that i quite understand the decision Of the AAC.
/// Wow, what a load of big, brave men on here! ///
And most likely there are some, even on here. Being men that is what is expected of them.
/// Heard on the radio that he was told to stay in the car, just as I would have done. ///
Obviously being a woman I suppose you would, and no one would condemn you for doing so.
/// Wow, what a load of big, brave men on here! ///
And most likely there are some, even on here. Being men that is what is expected of them.
/// Heard on the radio that he was told to stay in the car, just as I would have done. ///
Obviously being a woman I suppose you would, and no one would condemn you for doing so.
Quite a split response and it is heartening, for me anyway, to see I am not alone in my view. I appreciate especially the posts by retro and dannyk.
I found it interesting that only one female p.o.v. was in support of the OP.
It is a great pity there can only be one best answer, but for the simplicity and succinctness of the post it goes to Talbot.
I found it interesting that only one female p.o.v. was in support of the OP.
It is a great pity there can only be one best answer, but for the simplicity and succinctness of the post it goes to Talbot.
Obviously there are two opposing views on this situation - he was a coward / he acted correctly, and it depends on your viewpoint.
My view is that no police officer has legitimate reason for avoiding possible loss of life, especially when it is to keep him / herself out of harm's way.
The officer claims he had no radio - hardly relevant since the entire Met would have known that a terrorist incident was in play at the time.
He also claims he had no protective vest - unfortunate, but not in my view a valid reason not to intervene, and at least attempt to protect his fellow officer from harm.
What's done is done, and he will have to live with his actions forever, and I strongly suspect he will quietly retire and try to avoid the recriminations that, in my view, are correctly coming his way.
My view is that no police officer has legitimate reason for avoiding possible loss of life, especially when it is to keep him / herself out of harm's way.
The officer claims he had no radio - hardly relevant since the entire Met would have known that a terrorist incident was in play at the time.
He also claims he had no protective vest - unfortunate, but not in my view a valid reason not to intervene, and at least attempt to protect his fellow officer from harm.
What's done is done, and he will have to live with his actions forever, and I strongly suspect he will quietly retire and try to avoid the recriminations that, in my view, are correctly coming his way.
We are not alone in our thoughts, andy.
https:/ /www.da ilymail .co.uk/ news/ar ticle-6 259835/ TV-dete ctive-s lams-Lo ndon-po lice-ch ief-sta yed-car -Westmi nster-t error-a ttack.h tml
https:/ /www.da ilymail .co.uk/ debate/ article -625886 3/Ex-po lice-ch ief-giv es-deep ly-pers onal-vi ew-Met- boss-fl ed-West minster -knife- attack. html