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Start The Week Right

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Khandro | 07:33 Mon 15th Oct 2018 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
and what could be a better way?


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great piece, well done for posting.. went on a bit.......but very good;-)
very good
Thanks Khandro
I found that quite stirring. Youth shown at it's best for a change.
Couldn't resist the 1812 Overture afterwards. The Crescendo bought tears to my eyes I confess.

First time you have ever posted something I like ;o)
Thank you Khandro, I love a good flashmob and that is one of the best.

Totally different but always makes me smile is this one.

Loved it! thanks.
Also Mamya's. It takes people away from their woes & worries for a short while and makes people happy. Lovely to see!
Now burn those lunchtime calories off...

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retrocop; I wasn't aware that old retired cops could cry so readily :0)
If Ravel can make you weep, let's see how tough you are up against Offenbach, I confess I need a box of Kleenex, but then I was always in love with Jacqueline and never recovered from her sad untimely death.
Btw. this is miss-titled, it isn't by her but dedicated to her;

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