Fireworks Law in The AnswerBank: Law
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Fireworks Law

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nailit | 20:50 Mon 05th Nov 2018 | Law
27 Answers
Can anyone point me to the relevant laws re: using fireworks in public places?
Is it legal or illegal to set of fireworks (rockets, bangers etc) in a public place...such as a park?
I mean by an individual of course, not an organization with permission.
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^^^ It's legal to set off fireworks up to midnight tonight, Chrissa, as it's November 5th. It would still be legal on any other night of the year though, as it's before 11pm. (On New Year’s Eve, Diwali and Chinese New Year the time limit is extended to 1am). Not everybody sticks by the law though. When i was working a night shift at a railway station, somebody set...
22:51 Mon 05th Nov 2018
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//Buenchico has answered. Illegal unless its an organised permitted display//
//Different councils - different by laws, nailit//

Yep, still confused....
Tony, Buenchico’s first post is uk law, not a by law.
If it's in a public place, such as a park, it's illegal under nationwide legislation, as per my first post (Councils would probably argue that the roped-off areas where fireworks used in public displays cease to be 'public places').

Additionally, most (possibly all) parks are covered by byelaws which also prohibit the use of fireworks (other than when authorised by the local authority).
There’s just been a massive bang here. At this time of night!!! :(
I'm afraid that it's legal until 11 pm, chrissa.
^^^ It's legal to set off fireworks up to midnight tonight, Chrissa, as it's November 5th. It would still be legal on any other night of the year though, as it's before 11pm. (On New Year’s Eve, Diwali and Chinese New Year the time limit is extended to 1am).

Not everybody sticks by the law though. When i was working a night shift at a railway station, somebody set off loads of noisy fireworks at about 3am. (We wondered if it might perhaps be a guy who'd just become a dad for the first time). While it brightened a long, boring shift for us, I doubt if it was popular with the local residents!
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Thanks for all replies, much appreciated.

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