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wireless network problems

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wendyl | 16:15 Sat 29th Jul 2006 | Technology
8 Answers
intermittently over the past few weeks we have been unable to connect wirelessly to our home network but checks appeared to find no problem with the router and for the past week or so we have had no problems connecting. Last night and today we are again having a problem we get messages 'cannot connect to server' 'no wireless networks found in range' from both second PC and notebook. both OK and used earlier yesterday evening. We had this problem intermittently during world cup the router is eTec and network conexant. Any ideas/suggestions please


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Is it possible one of your neighbours has a wireless network on the same channel? Try to change your channel number to the other end of the scale, the default is usually 11, try channel 1 or 2.

Video sending equipment and wireless CCTV cameras can also interfere with wireless networks as they all operate around the same frequency.
You don't say who your ISP is. Some have been having problems with their 'backbone' and dependence on other systems.
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Thanks Ralph I think you may be on the right track when we had the problem before a different network kept coming up which was secured and prompted us to secure ours We didn't find which neighbour our nearest does not have broadband
I am afraid I don't know about changing chanels as you suggest. If it is not too much trouble could you give me step by step instructions we are really fed up with not finding the root cause and our grandaughters visiting as usual on Saturdaysare missing their msn fix on my husbands PC and mine is out of bounds to msn sad isn't it. I'm pretty sure there are no CCTv cameras anywhere in the vicinity
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'snap' wideboy, our messages just crossed ISP is Freeola
Have been with them several years with no major problems and always helpful when needed. Have not contacted them with latest situation as it is only the wireless connection that is affected - perhaps I should?
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wideboy if you're there I managed to change channels It was set at 11 just changed to 12 unfortunately still can't connect but will haveanother go at solving tomorrow

thanks a lot anyway
As a 'stop gap' - from one forum:-
Get the firmware update. Couldn't turn wep on, and networking stopped working. With new firmware networking is fine again. Try reseting your modem to default to start with.
You'll need to ask the etec people if there is a firmware update for your router and if it is necessary.
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Try unplugging the router for a few minutes each month/week. Failing that, go through the Windows wireless setup routine again. Hopefully it is nothing to do with any Windows Updates that you might have downloaded.
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Well wideboy and Ralph I have spent the greater part of today trying to fix the problem, causing a new problem on the way.( fortunately resolved) Isp suggested likely to be Mercury USB adapter but thought firmware update might well be appropriate so I will phone etec tech support tomorrow have number, laptop helpline thinks router faulty

Wideboy I was very interested in your finally comment about a connection with a windows update. It would not be the first time that happened and I am pretty sure that all these problems started soon after an update. However, I am always being advised to download them all and do not usually get any support for my doubts about them

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