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cupotee2 | 22:13 Sat 24th Nov 2018 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
Hi, I'm having 6 B12 injections over the next 2 weeks. I hope they will help with my extreme tiredness.

Anyone have experience of these? Please.


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not personally but I know a couple of people who have them and have found the difference miraculous.
My answer was going to be the same - I haven't had them but the three people I know who have have been over the moon with the results! Good luck.
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Thank you both. I really hope so. I'll report back later..
If you are B12 deficient (Blood tests) then it will revitalise your life, but there will be little or no response if you are not.

No, no personal experience of these.
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Thanks Squad, it was after blood tests that showed I am deficient of B12..

Thanks chanel5, I'm looking forward to a similar response. I am tired of feeling exhausted all the time..I had been thinking it was old age [80] but will be so pleased to get some energy back.
I have them every 12 weeks. Been having them for over 18 years. I can tell when I'm due about two weeks before when I get tired, more in the winter than summer. Definitely better since I started having them.
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I'm pleased to hear your having a good response too kathyan.

I joined a B12 group to see the responses..and amazed to find its "trendy" to have a B12 boost bought online, to inject themselves if they want a boost of energy to party all night!!

Surely thats not a healthy way to use these injections?

I'm on No 4 on Monday and no improvement yet..except waking after about 3-4 hours sleep and not getting back to sleep again..Long days no wonder I'm still exhausted.

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