thanks K for the answer , I had it ending in t..the t being in idolater which I put for the answer to 16d Besotted admirer gives marriage promise after a time (8) -d-l----..can you help?
You'll laugh K..cos when I first saw this was when my 17 year old daughter was on line and somebody had put it on...she is called Laura and so I asked her why they had nicknamed her LOL! She explained..... and that's the only reason I could answer you!!!....and she did lol....
laugh(ing) out loud - lots of laughter (love) - loads of laughter (love)
and here's a few more for you -
addy address
asl age sex location
optd outside petting the dog
otp on the telephone
pic / pix picture(s)
proggy computer program
prolly / probs probably
sig / siggy signature